FAQs on hypnosis
Hypnosis is a natural state, that you experience many times throughout the day. When you’re driving a car, reading a book, watching a movie…any of these can put you in a relaxed state where you can gain access to your subconscious, while still being fully present in the moment. It is a safe and natural state of increased focus. In this state, you are able to make changes that are almost impossible to make with willpower alone.
Hypnotherapy is 93% effective after 6 sessions. On the other hand, Cognitive Behvioral Therapy or CBT is 72% effective after 22 sessions, and psychotherapy is 38% effective after 600 sessions.
*research by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD. description
Hypnosis works because we are able to bypass the analytical aspect of the mind, and go straight to the subconscious. It is here that magic happens. The subconscious mind processes 11 million bits per second, while the conscious mind processes only 50 bits. So, that means our subconscious has stored away a massively extraordinary amount of information. This is what we have access to in hypnosis. Because we bypass the conscious mind, (the analytical part of the brain) we are able to get to the root cause of any issues quickly. From there, healthy and beneficial new suggestions can be programmed directly into the subconscious, and results can show up quickly.
Yes! It is a normal state of mind that most people go into different times throughout the day, for instance…when you are daydreaming or driving a car.
It is just a feeling of being more relaxed or focused than usual. All you need to do to get to that state, is to be willing to follow gently guided instructions. That’s it! The rest is just like having a normal conversation, like you would right before falling asleep.
Stage hypnosis is what most people think of when they hear the word hypnosis. This is an entirely different thing. In the sessions I do, you will be fully aware the whole time, and will not do or say anything that you don’t choose to. You will not be in a trance. Instead, you will be in a safe place, in full control, and at the same time perfectly relaxed and able to call up memories and experiences that will be exceedingly beneficial on any healing journey.
Ninety percent of my sessions have been online, versus in person. Contrary to what some might think, these sessions work just as well, if not better. There is something about being in the comfort of your own home, which helps you relax more fully and therefore enables you to drop into hypnosis even easier.